

Everyone knows, that fruits contain many vitamins, necessary to our organism. But vitamins are just a small part of useful substances in fruits. The scientists have proved, that many fruits possess very important qualities – they protect us from many different diseases.

Fruits is one of the most important healthy and natural foods in existence. Thousands of different types of fruit are available to eat, all of the fruit has many strong health benefits. Fruit include a large number of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and plant phytochemicals that help benefit health. It has also been shown that eating the whole fruit or juice is best to gain the benefits rather than taking supplements to provide each nutrient separately.

Fresh fruits and fruit juices contain many vitamins and minerals, they are low in fat (except avocados) and sodium, and they provide dietary fiber. USDA nutritionists recommend 2 to 4 servings from the fruit group each day. Count as a serving an individual unit (one medium apple, pear, banana, orange), a fraction of a unit (grapefruit half, melon wedge), 1/2 cup berries, 1/2 cup chopped or cooked fruit, or 3/4 cup fruit juice. Whole, unpeeled fruit is higher in fiber than peeled fruit or fruit juice.

www.Fruits-19.Blogspot.com is a blog that have designed to provide information and share important matters ranging from the benefits of fruits, the types of fruits, vitamin content in fruits, fruit planting tips, tips on choosing and buying fruits, etc.

Even you can buy the fruits of our country ( Indonesia ), it's a agricultural land and a tropical country that fertile and lush, a variety of fruits and vegetables grow in our beautiful country . So, we feel this blog is very good for you fruit lovers, because we provide all of what you need. OK, welcome to visit the fruits blog, I hope you are satisfied.